See also: done, easy, said Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. I know you're confident in your idea, but starting a company from the ground up is easier said than done. To have an easy ride ( fig) → tener las cosas fáciles You vowed to double the amount of last year's donations Easier said than done. To be within easy reach of sth → estar muy cerca de algo To go for or take the easy option → optar por lo más fácil backbreaker bothersome difficile easier said than done effortful exacting. Find 78 ways to say HANG, along with antonyms, related words. To be easy on the eye/ear → ser or resultar agradable a la vista/al oídoĮat something that's easy on the stomach → come algo que sea fácil de digerir Comprehensive list of synonyms for to work hard, by Macmillan Dictionary and. Best synonyms for easier said than done are easy to say, arduous and challenging. Synonyms of get get 1 of 2 verb Definition of get 1 as in to learn to acquire complete. It's an easy mistake to make → es un error que se comete fácilmente

"Russian made easy" → " ruso sin esfuerzo" They made it very easy for us → nos lo pusieron muy fácil That's easy for you to say → para ti es fácil decirloĮasy listening (= music) → música f fácil de escuchar He came in an easy first → llegó el primero sin problemas - English Only forum easier to understand or easier to be understood - English Only forum A hasnt been made any easier by B - English Only forum adjust the colours of your display to the warmer end of the spectrum - making the display easier on your eyes. There are no easy answers → no hay respuestas fáciles Synonyms and related words for clouds from OneLook Thesaurus, a powerful English thesaurus and brainstorming tool that lets you describe what youre looking. He's easy to get on with → es muy fácil llevarse bien con élįluorescent jackets are easy to see at night → las chaquetas fluorescentes son fáciles de ver por la noche He's easy to work with → es fácil trabajar con él

It is easy to see that → es fácil ver que.